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Karadere - the last wild beach

Aug. 09, 2024
During our Living Sands campaign, we sought the partnership of one of the most committed to nature conservation on the Black Sea coast, the civic group "To Save Karadere", which, like us, is fighting the threats of destruction of the last remaining wild beaches and their adjacent dunes, strives to promote their importance for biodiversity and for people, and makes efforts to maintain these so specific habitats. 

We have put together boards with instructions for responsible camping and in the coming days a campaign will be organised to put them up, clean the area and present our information boards about the importance of the area as a place of refuge for many plants, birds and other animals.

The diversity of visitors inspired us to make the information provided on the signs easier to understand and we put a QR code through which it could be accessed in English, German and Czech for the most frequent visitors to the area.