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Jul 19, 2022
The overall purpose of EuroBird project is to encourage birdwatching as a tool for nature conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity hotspots within the NATURA 2000 network.
Supporting a Sustainable Future for People and Nature in Osogovo Mountain
Jan. 11, 2022
Supporting a Sustainable Future for People and Nature in Osogovo Mountain
Supporting a Sustainable Future for People and Nature in Osogovo Mountain Project is financed by German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU), Frankfurt Zoological Society FZS and own contribution by the project partners. Project partners are: EuroNatur Foundation, Germany (Lead partner), Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation and Macedonian Ecological Society MES, Macedonia
Dec. 17, 2020
Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin
The SaveGREEN project is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.
Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere Reserve Osogovo
Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere Reserve Osogovo
The realization of the project “Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere Reserve Osogovo” bearing the acronym TRANSBIORES is possible through provision of funding by the European Union through IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The total value of the budget is EUR 145 003,77: 85% are IPA funds, and 15% are National public contribution.
Linking Nature Protection and Sustainable Rural Development
Linking Nature Protection and Sustainable Rural Development
Building a successful model to demonstrate that the link between nature conservation and sustainable rural development in regions of high natural value can be a win-win situation in Bulgaria - for local people, for businesses and for the environment - is the main objective of a new Bulgarian-Swiss project “Linking Nature Protection and Sustainable Rural Development".
Salt of Life
Salt of Life
“Urgent Measures to Restore and Secure Long-term Preservation of the Atanasovsko Lake Coastal Lagoon” Project, short name “The Salt of Life” is financed by EU, LIFE+ Programme LIFE11 NAT/BG/000362. It is 6-years long project – from 01.07.2012 till 31.08.2018.
The project will be implemented by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, in partnership with the Black Sea Salinas Ltd. and Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. It is a good example of successful partnership between nature conservation organizations and business and example of pro biodiversity business which not disturbs, but supports the life of the inhabitants of the lake.
Eco-Nets Bulgaria Project
Eco-Nets Bulgaria Project
The Project "Eco-Nets Bulgaria: Environmental protection through civil networking and communication with focus on protected areas, industrial emissions and waste" is carried out with the financial support of Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU /DBU/ and aims at strengthening of the networks and collaboration between Bulgarian NGOs in order to improve their work in the focus areas, namely, threatened protected areas, excessive industrial emissions and waste.
Implementation of Iron Curtain Trail in its Balkan section
The main task of the project is to create a framework for building on the southeast section of the European Bike "The Trail of the Iron Curtain" that arises the idea of the European Deputy Michael Cramer. The starting point is the Barents Sea, its total length is 6800 km, passes through 22 European countries and reaches the Black Sea. Iron Curtain or the dividing line between East and West in the past, known as the Green Belt is a "bridge" between the border areas in this part of Europe and a prerequisite for cross-border cooperation on sustainable development.
The project Cross border environmental cell awareness in Doxato and Banite Municipalities with Bulgarian’s Biodiversity Foundation contribution (ЕСА)”, №8271/acronym ЕСА, is implemented with the financial of European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and National Fund of Greece and Bulgaria through the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013”
Conservation of Balkan Chamois and European Bear in Bulgaria
Conservation of Balkan Chamois and European Bear in Bulgaria
The Project "Conservation of Balkan Chamois and Brown bear in Bulgaria (outside the area of national and nature parks and reserves) by implementing the components of Action plans for the Bear and Chamois in Bulgaria is carried out with financial support of European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union and the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013"
LIFE for the Bourgas Lakes
LIFE for the Bourgas Lakes
Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation is a partner of BSPB in the implementation of new and ambitious project on the Black Sea coast - "LIFE for the Burgas Lakes”, funded by the European Commission programme LIFE +" Nature and Biodiversity "worth € 1,775,006. Other project partners are the Municipality of Burgas, Black Sea Salinas Ltd and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).
Biodiversity conservation and environmental education in Kostinbrod
The main objective of the project is the biodiversity conservation in Kostinbrod municipality through sustainable use of natural resources (sustainable tourism, farming and forestry) and environmental education in the schools and culture centers. The formulation of the project’s activities is based on the extensive preparatory phase co-funded by SDC in 2006.
Promotion of the Regional Trademark for Strandja NP
The project is aiming at development of Regional trademark of Strandja Nature Park. This will support the local products, agriculture, tourist services and offers, based to sustainable use of the natural resources and “green” image of Strandja. In addition this will consolidate the partnership and economic development through certification of the Park directorate partners, including businessmen in rural and ecotourism, farmers, beekeepers, herb collectors, etc.