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What are the social adjustments for nature conservation?

Nov. 13, 2007
The results with more importance in the investigation are: the significance and the protection of the nature in Bulgaria in the following order - the first three problems with the approval of over 90% of the inquired people are - deforestation (98.8%) the leaking of the artificial lakes and the danger of a tidal wave (94.7%), overbuilding of the Black sea coast (92%). The gradation of the following problems is - homeless dogs and cats (83.7%), overbuilding in Pamporovo (79.2%), the building of the mini Hydro Power Plant (SHPP) on the rivers (68.1%), the construction of Super Borovec (67.8%), the building of ski tracks in the national Pirin pakr (66.4%), the project for expanding the ski zone of Panichishte and the penetration in national Rila park (62.0%). one of the most considered topics this year is the inclusion and the exclusion of territories in the system “Natura 2000”. This nature-preserving campaign is known by 78.4% from those who were inquired - the biggest percent of all the others campaigns that have been offered for valuation. The drive is supported by 59.9% of them. The lower portion of the people who support the campaign in comparison with those who are informed of it, is due to the lower conversance with the advantage of the local people from including the natural areas in the system. The public opinion remains vastly unawared on this problem - according to 34.8% of the inquired there are privileges for the local people and according to 17.2% there are no privileges for the native population, almost half of the inquired can not make an assessment.
Less than a third(39.7%) are those who noted that they practice in their daily grind forms of green way of living - they use electric bulbs and devices that economize energy , sweep up garbage on portions (38.9%), always carry in themselves a textile bag for shopping, avoiding the use of nylon bags (39.7%), ride a bicycle(22.8%).
46.5% of the inquired people are interested whether the foodstuffs they bye are biological. The same portion- 45.8%- noted that they don’t care of the biological nutritions. This is a question that has a clear polarization of the opinions. Among the reasons for the lack of interest in the biological foods is the fact that the customers don’t have the trust needed in the producers - 83.8% answered that they do not believe people who cell their foodstuffs in the market. Merely 16.2% trust the producers. Those who were inquired also have no confidence in the shopkeepers. The most usual answer is that the tradesmen cheat with the stamp <<bio-product>> - 41.6%. There is quite a limited choice of the products - 18.2% - is the opinion that is more frequent expressed by the inhabitants of sparsely populated villages or towns, 15% of the inquired claim that the products are too expensive. The public activity for preserving the nature is found to be increasing in comparison with previous inquiries.

You can find the complete analysis and the results in section Documents.