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Website for innovative education about natural science

Nov. 26, 2019
An online educational toolkit with useful information about theory and practice in nature protection, research,  management of natural resources and civil advocacy in Bulgaria, Greece and Czech Republic  is already released at: It iscarried out within the project "Future Environmentalists - Linking EU Natural Capital Management to Field Research", which is performed by Association of Parks in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Biodiversity foundation, Bulgaria, Aristotle university of Thessaloniki and Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
The website is a useful tool for distant online learning for students, specialized in natural science, university teachers, institutions and organizations, engaged in environmental sectors and etc. The Internet page includes comprehensive written information and videos, which is available to be used also by all the people who love nature and want to learn more about it.

The education materials are grouped in the following five modules:
  • Implementation of Nature Conservation
  • Challenges in management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation;
  • EU best practice for field research on different species groups and habitats
  • Uniqueness of biodiversity of Greece, Bulgaria and Czech Republic
  • Advocacy (conflict solving and negotiation skills), networking and campaign design, communication and presentation skills
The site will be constantly updated with new topics and the first 50 topics so far are with a total of over 120 hours of lectures and are available in Bulgarian, Greek, Czech or English. In these topics one can already learn about environmental science and nature legislation, ecological and species distribution modeling, species research, monitoring and mapping, systematic conservation planning and biodiversity conservation tools and challenges (incl. genetic, species and ecosystem diversity), protected areas and biosphere reserves. Practical tools for nature conservation communication, financing and civil society empowerment will soon be added to the topic list.
Educational materials include lectures, videos, presentations, guidelines, exercises and literature, made by leading representatives of NGOs, Universities and scientific organizations from the three countries.

The training and access to all resources in the online toolkit is free of charge after registration at:
The site also contains news and videos from the trainings, public lectures and international webinars organized as part of an educational program on the Future Environmentalists project.
The project is implemented with the support of the European Commission Erasmus+ Program under the heading K2 Strategic Partnerships with Contract No 2018-1-BG01-KA203-047962