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Webinar: Systematic Conservation Planning from Future Environmentalists Program

Sep. 17, 2019
New educational year of Future Environmentalists Program begins with a webinar, titled "Systematic Conservation Planning from Future Environmentalists Program". It will take place on 18th of September at 17:00 EEST (16:00 CET) with a lecturer Ioannis Tsiripidis, Associate Professor of Phytosociology in the School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). The webinar will be held in English in zoom platform and is free of charge. Follow the link to join:
Conservation of biodiversity requires understanding of diversity patterns at multiple hierarchical levels and solid scientific methods to quantifying them. Traditionally used criteria such as diversity and rarity have important limitations and can lead to subjective prioritization of areas and lack of complementarity in the protected areas networks. Why is a more holistic framework needed, what is Systematic Conservation Planning, what criteria are involved and what are the main stages of a successful conservation plan will be presented at the webinar.

The webinar is carried out within the project "Future Environmentalists - Linking EU Natural Capital Management to Field Research". The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership by means of Activity Agreement № CSP 2018-1-BG01- KA203-047962