The opening of the exhibition took place in the office building of Lake Kerkini Management Authority, village of Kerkini, Greece on 1st April 2014. The photos will be exhibited until 31st of May.
The exhibition contains 45 images of the Mountain made in three different countries – Bulgaria, Greece and FYR Macedonia. The photographs are chosen among the ones participating in The Incredible Belasitsa Photo Contest in the frame of the project: “Belasitsa beyond Borders – Transboundary Cooperation along the Balkan Green Belt” held from September 2013 to October 2013.
Come and share with us the beauty and charm of our Belasitsa.
The Photo Exhibition “The Incredible Belasitsa”is organized in the frame of the project “Belasitsa Beyond Borders - Transboundary Cooperation along the Balkan Green Belt” which is jointly implemented by the Bulgarian Biodiversiy Foundation – Branch Belasitsa (Bulgaria), EuroNatur (Germany), Belasitsa Nature Park Directorate (Bulgaria), Lake Kerkini Management Authority (Greece) and EA Planetum – Strumica (FYR Macedonia).
The project is co-financed by German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU).