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May 12, 2011
Trans boundary Forum for Osogovo in the Green Belt
On 16-17 May 2011 in the monastery Joakim Osogovski in Kriva Palanka, Macedonia will be held Trans-boundary stakeholder forum - Osogovo in the Green Belt. Representatives of the Ministries of Environment of Bulgaria and Macedonia, representatives of UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), representative of District Administration Kyustendil, mayors of municipalities in the region of Osogovo and Kyustendil City Council, representatives of RIEW Pernik, and leading organizations and partners.
Apr. 16, 2011
Eco-event on St.Lazarus' Day
An action for cleaning clean of the Veleka River Mouth Protected Area will be held on Saturday, 04/16/2011, with the participation of about 50 children from Tsarevo, students at the Nikola Vaptsarov School. The Veleka Mouth is one of the most beautiful and emblematic places on the Southern Black Sea coast, among the few remaining undeveloped oases of wilderness. With gloves and bags the children will clean the sandy “hair” (beach) to the mouth, and thus be included in the national campaign To clean up Bulgaria. The action is organized by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation in partnership with the Municipality of Tsarevo and the Strandja Nature Park Directorate and the Mayorship of Sinemorets will care about the collected garbage.
Apr. 12, 2011
Meeting of NGO and EC reresentatives
Representatives of the Directorate General Environment of the European Commission met in Sofia with NGOs to discuss progress on a number of criminal infringements on protected areas under NATURA 2000 in Bulgaria. The meeting was attended by Jean-Francois Brakeland from the legal department at DG Environment, Stefan Leiner Department of Natura 2000 and other experts. Non-government sector was represented by members of the Coalition For the Nature in Bulgaria, including the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Green Balkans, Citizens for Rila, BSPB and "Save Irakli”. Procedures for criminal violations in protected areas such as Irakli, Emine, Rila, Pirin, Strandja and others were discussed. During the meeting were discussed further the problems with waste management in Sofia and Bulgaria, Belene, the lack of an effective strategy for renewable energy.
Our Petko has a baby girl already
Apr. 04, 2011
Our Petko has a baby girl already

The Acting Executive Director at the time - Petko Tsvetkov got a third child. Lovely Kalina was born on March 27, 2011 and is in perfect measures, such as her mother Julia.

To the little Princess we wish good health and luck, and to the happy dad - to have more time for his family and less care for the protection of the Pirin and the Bulgarian nature.

Bjorn Arne Nass present the technology
Mar 21, 2011
Training on how to make soap and chocolates in Strandja
The practical training organised by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) in Malko Tarnovo during the weekend was met with exceptional interest. The main presenter was Mr. Born Arne Naess from the Directorate for Nature Management in Norway, who is personally experienced in the making of soap, candies and other products.
field guide of Belasitsa plants
Mar 20, 2011
Belasitsa Nature Park presented in the Natural History Museum in Sofia
National Museum of Natural History (NMNH-BAS) and the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) devote the month of April at the newest Nature Park - Belasitsa. In NMNHS will be organized series of events - presenting an exhibition introducing the thematic trail "Life of chestnut”, presentation of books about the mountain, lectures. The official opening of the exhibition "Belasitsa - the newest Nature Park in Bulgaria” will be held on March 25, 2011 from 17:00 in the lobby of the museum. Author of all the photographs featured in the exhibition is the photographer Pjotr Rzerzycha. The event will be accompanied by presentation of photographic field guide "Interesting plants of Belasitsa”.
Philippe Pypaert presentation
Mar 18, 2011
The idea for Biosphere park supported by the Burgas Governor
UNESCO representatives visited the Burgas Governor, Mr. Konstantin Grebenarov, to familiarize him with the results from the International workshop held in Tsarevo during the last days. More than 60 persons became involved in the workshop and learned about biosphere parks in Europe and whether Strandja is a suitable region for designation of such a park. The experience of Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Turkey and Greece shared during the seminar showed us that this concept is aimed mainly toward man and man’s harmonious coexistence with surrounding nature. And while protected areas conserve mainly biodiversity, biosphere parks and reserves are focused mainly on humans and on the promotion of their own potential for sustainable development.
Mar 11, 2011
UNESCO International workshop for Strandja in Tzarevo
An international workshop BEST PRACTICES FOR SUSTAINABLE USE AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN PROTECTED AREAS IN REGARDS OF THE BIOSPHERE RESERVE CONCEPT will take place on 14-16 March 2011 in the town of Tsarevo. The workshop is organised by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) with the support of the UNESCO Venice Office and the Bulgarian National MAB Committee.
Feb. 04, 2011
LIFE+ Information Session 2011
The European Commission will publish the fifth Call for Proposals under the LIFE+ Programme in February 2011, with up to €265.360 million available across the EU for co-financing projects under three headings: nature and biodiversity; environment policy and governance; and information and communication.
божана и руми
Jan. 29, 2011
BBF team has a new child - baby Bojana
The Executive Director of BBF - Rumyana Ivanova has her third child - Bojana. The young lady has perfect measures - 3900 gr., 52 cm. Congratulations to all big and happy family!
Mammals Book - Promotion!
Jan. 12, 2011
Mammals Book - Promotion!
Take advantage of the special promotion of the book "Mammals - important for protection in Bulgaria” and take it at a price of 35 BGN for you or your friends and family! You can order it and pay by post or take it directly from our offices in Sofia and Bourgas.
Dec. 19, 2010
EU scales up its effort to protect wilderness
Brussels, Belgium – The European Commission calls for ‘wilderness’, a new approach in nature conservation additional to the traditional management approaches. Wilderness refers to large natural areas without human intervention, governed solely by nature. A European Presidency conference was held on 16-17 November to share good examples and to discuss several issues important for a Wilder Europe, such as vision, benefits, management, policy, communication and funding. Central and East European NGOs took part in the process.
Nov. 11, 2010
The winners in photo competition for Atanasovsko Lake
Atanasovsko Lake inspired 13 lovers of photography who participated with their pictures in the photo contest "Atanasovsko Lake - people, birds and salt”. Beginning of the contest was launched in August on the occasion of 30th Anniversary of the lake as a protected area. Fifty-three photographs competed for the prize - participation in a special photo tour around Bourgas lakes. Participation in the tour of the lakes Vaya, Atanassovsko and Mandra - Poda complex will make the authors of the winning photographs of the first three places. These are Jecho Planinski, Didi Andreeva and Dimitar Gradinarov.
Nov. 01, 2010
Meeting of BBF Board on December 14 2010

On December 14th 2010 will be organized the regular Meeting of the Management Board of BBF with the following Agenda:

1. Presentation and approval of the BBF Annual report 2010
2. Presentation and approval of the BBF Financial statement 2010 (Draft)
3. Presentation and approval of the BBF Budget 2011 (Draft)
4. Presentation and approval of the BBF internal rules
5. Short introduction from EB of operational concept for 2011
6. Discussion between Board members and EB about 2011 milestones
7. Date for next Board meeting

Учебно пътуване в Норвегия
Oct. 13, 2010
BBF organizes a seminar for the Institutions about Strandja
Seminars and trainings are part of the BBF Project: Cooperation for biodiversity conservation and sustainable local development in Strandja Mountain implemented with the financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
Oct. 06, 2010
BBF participates in the Green Belt Conference
BBF Green Belt coordinator - Petko Tsvetkov and Petar Todorov from Osogovo project will participated in the 4th Pan European Green Belt Conference, which took place on October 6, 2010 in Kuhmo, Finland.
Sep. 26, 2010
BBF organize training for the local people in Strandja
On 27 and 28 September 2010 in Brushlyan in Strandja, the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation in partnership with the Strandja Nature Park Directorate will organize the seminar: Sustainable local development and development of Strandja Regional Trade Mark. The interest of local people is very high - the seminar will be attended by over 50 people from 15 villages in Strandja Nature Park - these are mainly owners of guest houses, certified by Strandja Regional Brand, tourist guides, producers of dew honey (manov honey) and other local entrepreneurs, developing sustainable businesses. The lead speaker will be Mr. Bjorn Arne Naess of the Norwegian Directorate of Nature Management, a partner of BBF in the project. Other lecturers will be representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Energy, lawyers, experts in the field of ecology and sustainable development.
Aug. 11, 2010
The Norwegian Ambassador visited the BBF-office in Burgas
The Ambassador of Norway in our country Ms. Tove Skarstein visited today the office of the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation in Burgas and met with the team working on Project: Cooperation for biodiversity conservation and sustainable local development in Strandja Mountain. The project implements with financial support of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein through the Financial mechanism of the European Economic Area, and a main partner of the Norwegian side is the Directorate of Nature Management at the Norwegian Ministry of Environment.
happy parents
Aug. 08, 2010
New member of BBF female team
On August 8, 2010 а gentle girl - Boryana was born. Our colleague Danche and her young daughter feel great :) Congratulations from the whole team of BBF for them and for the happy Dad!
reindeers, just around the roadside
Jul 08, 2010
The Norwegian fairy-tale of Strandja-people
Is there something to learn from a country with a so high life-standard and to implement it in practice in our beautiful but slightly disordered state? This question asked themselves most often the participants in both 7-days study trips to Norway, organized by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation.