Eco-event on St.Lazarus' Day
Meeting of NGO and EC reresentatives

Our Petko has a baby girl already
The Acting Executive Director at the time - Petko Tsvetkov got a third child. Lovely Kalina was born on March 27, 2011 and is in perfect measures, such as her mother Julia.
To the little Princess we wish good health and luck, and to the happy dad - to have more time for his family and less care for the protection of the Pirin and the Bulgarian nature.
Training on how to make soap and chocolates in Strandja

Belasitsa Nature Park presented in the Natural History Museum in Sofia
The idea for Biosphere park supported by the Burgas Governor
UNESCO International workshop for Strandja in Tzarevo
LIFE+ Information Session 2011

BBF team has a new child - baby Bojana

Mammals Book - Promotion!
EU scales up its effort to protect wilderness
The winners in photo competition for Atanasovsko Lake
Meeting of BBF Board on December 14 2010
On December 14th 2010 will be organized the regular Meeting of the Management Board of BBF with the following Agenda:
1. Presentation and approval of the BBF Annual report 2010
2. Presentation and approval of the BBF Financial statement 2010 (Draft)
3. Presentation and approval of the BBF Budget 2011 (Draft)
4. Presentation and approval of the BBF internal rules
5. Short introduction from EB of operational concept for 2011
6. Discussion between Board members and EB about 2011 milestones
7. Date for next Board meeting
BBF organizes a seminar for the Institutions about Strandja
BBF participates in the Green Belt Conference
BBF organize training for the local people in Strandja
The Norwegian Ambassador visited the BBF-office in Burgas