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Meeting to present the results of the monitoring of  large carnivores in Osogovo
Feb. 26, 2018
Meeting to present the results of the monitoring of large carnivores in Osogovo
A meeting to present the results of the Monitoring of large carnivores in Osogovo was held on 20 and 21 February, 2018. The monitoring of large carnivores and their food base is an important part of the implementation of the “Supporting Sustainable Future for People and Nature in Osogovo” project, which provided an opportunity for permanent monitoring of the project target species: lynx, bear and wolf in the period from September 2016 to February, 2018. More than 30 participants, representatives of various institutions and organizations from Bulgaria and Macedonia gathered in hotel “Tri Buki” and got acquainted with the results of the analysis of the information gathered during the monitoring.
 course "Forest certification and forests with high conservation value"
Feb. 06, 2018
Two-day training course "Forest certification and forests with high conservation value" in Kyustendil
At the end of January, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation held a two-day training course "Forest certification and forests with high conservation value" in Kyustendil. The course was part of the implementation of the project “Supporting a Sustainable Future for People and Nature in Osogovo Mountain”. The training included numerous practical exercises, which were designed to build on the knowledge of the representatives of forestry and hunting units of Nevestino, Osogovo and Kyustendil as well as Kyustendil Regional Forestry Directorate for forest certification and forests with high conservation value(FHCV).
In addition to the mentioned forestries, representatives of the Southwestern State Enterprise Blagoevgrad , as well as of the Yakoruda and Dikchan State Forestry Units also took part in the training and shared their experience as operating certified forestries.
Nov. 02, 2017
Osogovo Mountain has enormous potential for development of cycling tourism
Osogovo Mountain has enormous potential for development of cycling tourism, but regional institutions and local entrepreneurs have to be involving in the process. This was the conclusion of the cross-border forum that gathered dozens of representatives of forestry regional institutions, border police, municipalities, tourist companies, cycling societies and cyclits from Macedonia and Bulgaria. The forum "Natural potential and sustainable tourism in Osogovo"  was organized by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF), Bulgaria and the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES).
Mountain Bike Adventure and Berries in Osogovo
Oct. 18, 2017
Mountain Bike Adventure and Berries in Osogovo
Three new mountain bike trails in Osogovo were presented on the 10th of October 2017 in the Traveller’s Club in Sofia. Interesting stories about the wonders offered by the mountain triggered the curiosity of the participants so that the first enthusiasts wanting to get involved in an adventure did not hesitate to sign up for a promotion trip.
New routes present Osogovo as an attractive destination for cycling
Oct. 11, 2017
New routes present Osogovo as an attractive destination for cycling
Three new biking routes are ready to welcome the first enthusiasts who want to get to know the mysteries of the wonderful Osogovo Mountain on a bicycle. The routes  were presented to dozens of nature lovers and mountain bikers gathered at the Traveler's Club by Martina Koleva from the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Svetoslav Velkov from Traventuria and Lyubomir Botusharov (

Oct. 11, 2017
New velo routes in Osogovo - detailed description and GPS tracks
Osogovo Mountain is situated in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, divided between Bulgaria and Macedonia. It is the fifth highest mountain in Bulgaria, with the highest peak Ruen - 2251 meters above sea level. It attracts with its sacrament the existing bans to the border area until recently. There still can be found signs and memories of the so- A "Iron Curtain" that once divided Europe. These territories are now part of the European Green Belt.
green belt
Sep. 05, 2017
Strandzha - End-to-End. Cycle tour across the Green Belt
For a second consecutive year BBF is organizing the Green Belt Day celebration - September 24 with a biking tour in the area of the Green Belt. In 2017, all the interested cyclists will be able to cross the Strandzha Mountain, they will not literally cross the border, but they will pass through the preserved areas that were part of the Iron Curtain which separated the socialist countries from the rest of the world 25 years ago.
Apr. 11, 2017
Training “High Nature Value Forests and Forest Certification - good practices and challenges” for foresters from Osogovo region
In the framework of the project Sustainable future for the people and nature in Osogovo and the project objective "Support sustainable forest management in Osogovo" BBF conducted a training for foresters from the Forest Unit (FU) Nevestino, Hunting Unit (HU) Osogovo and FU Kyustendil. Some employees from other FU/HU expecting certification under the umbrella of the Southwest State Enterprise also joined the training. The event took place on 10th April 2017 in the conference hall of Park-Hotel Kyustendil and was attended by 30 people in total.
Trans-boundary meeting of the Osogovo large carnivores monitoring network members
Mar 20, 2017
Trans-boundary meeting of the Osogovo large carnivores monitoring network members
The trans-boundary meeting of the Osogovo large carnivores monitoring network members took place on the 17th of March 2017 in the city of Makedonska Kamenica, Macedonia. The meeting was held as part of the activity “Improve knowledge about large carnivores in Osogovo as a foundation for decision-making processes” in the framework of the project Supporting a Sustainable Future for People and Nature in the Osogovo Mountain.
Feb. 07, 2017
Conduction of training on monitoring of large carnivores for stakeholders from the region of Osogovo
Several trainings serving also as informal meetings were conducted in the region of Osogovo in the framework of the project Supporting a Sustainable Future for People and Nature in Osogovo Mountain. The trainings are part of the activities related to the improvement of the knowledge about large carnivores in Osogovo as foundation for decision-making processes, which is one of the objectives of the ongoing project.
May 11, 2015
Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere reserve Osogovo: Common meetings of experts and administrative project teams
In March, April and May 2015, in the framework of the project “Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere Reserve Osogovo”, Ref. Nr. 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-047, Project Acronym TRANSBIORES, co-financed by the European Union through IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, three common meetings of experts and administrative project teams have been conducted. All of them took place in Macedonia, in the programme region.
Feb. 04, 2015
The web-based GIS platform of BBF provides free access to environmental spatial data
The GIS platform providing free access to spatial data of BBF was presented at 30 of January, 2015 in front of a diverse audience with a significant interest in the theme. The GIS platform was developed as part of the implementation of „Project GIS“ BG05/586 ”Building Capacity of Non-governmental Organizations, Youths and Citizens for Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Strengthening  the Monitoring  Skills and Advocacy of Policies for Regional Sustainable Development”, funded by the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.  The implementation of the project and the development of the GIS platform were done in a partnership with the Norwegian Environment Agency.
Jan. 27, 2015
BBF presents a web-based GIS spatial data platform
On 30 January 2015 in the conference room of hotel "Gloria Palace", at 13:00 o’clock the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation will present a web-base GIS platform that provides public access to spatial information for five areas in Bulgaria, in which the foundation is actively working. The platform is developed as part of "GIS project" – BG05/586 "Building Capacity of Non-governmental Organizations, Youths and Citizens for Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Strengthening  the Monitoring  Skills and Advocacy of Policies for Regional Sustainable Development", funded by the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014.   More information for the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014.
Dec. 16, 2014
The “Training for development and work with web-based GIS platform” was conducted in 1-5 of December, 2014
The training aimed at building the capacity, knowledge and skills of the participants in themes related with: operational compatibility of data and concepts for spatial data infrastructure; Inter-operational web-based services of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); GIS software products for provision of geographical data via web-based services. The participation of Mr. Larsen provided the possibility for transfer of the Norwegian experience not only from country based project, but also from the Norwegian experience and partnership abroad. The participants had the chance to enter in free and easy communication with the GIS experts and to receive numerous exhaustive answers to various questions, part of the GIs expert answers were also illustrated by real time online demonstrations.
Nov. 10, 2014
Training for NGO representatives for work with spatial data and its utilization for the needs of monitoring of the territorial development - 3-5.11.2014
During the period 03-05.11.2014 the village of Socolitza hosted the “Training for NGO representatives for work with spatial data and its utilization for the needs of monitoring of the territorial development”. The training is part of Project BG05/586 „GIS: Green Citizens, Information Systems, Saved Nature “, implemented by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation in partnership with the Norwegian Environment Agency and the financial support of the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
Nov. 03, 2014
Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere reserve Osogovo: Team of Bulgarian experts selected after competitive negotiated tender procedure
In October 2014, in the framework of the project “Feasibility Study for Trans-border Biosphere Reserve Osogovo”, Ref. Nr. 007CB16IPO007-2013-3-047, Project Acronym TRANSBIORES, co-financed by the European Union through IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, a competitive negotiated tender procedure for provision of external expertise has been conducted.
The tender procedure is related to the implementation of the activities of the Lead partner in the project, namely BBF-Belasitsa Branch.
Oct. 21, 2014
The second part of the “Training for monitoring and advocacy through the utilization of spatial data for youth and students“ was successfully implemented during the period of 8-10 of October, 2014
The second part of the “Training for monitoring and advocacy through the utilization of spatial data for youth and students“ was successfully implemented in the city of Kazanlak. Nineteen students and youth who participated in the first part of the training got acquainted with the basis of working with GIS and spatial data as well as the utilization of the aforementioned for the needs of conduction of civic monitoring and advocacy for policies for regional sustainable development.