Peculiar eco academy will operate year-round within the Visitor Information Center "Uzana" and will offer education about nature in a new and exciting way. In contact with nature and fun adventures may include not only children but also their parents. So the eco academy will become a place for the full, family and health spending weekends and vacations. Education Centre PIC "Uzana" will be an attractive place not only for the residents of Gabrovo, but for nature lovers from Bulgaria and abroad. All new items will remain the property of the municipality and the center will be dependent on revenue from visitors.
The choice of Gabrovo and "Uzana" was made after a preliminary study that shows that our region is most suitable for the organization of such a center.
The "Linking nature conservation with sustainable rural development" project is implemented in partnership between the six Bulgarian, four Swiss NGOs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Financed by the Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme of the Fund for reforms related to the participation of civil society.
Nature academy in Uzana

Jun 07, 2013