The project aims to achieve a harmonious coexistence between people and nature in Strandja by demonstrating the benefits for the local people from protected areas and their active involvement in biodiversity conservation. The most important results are expected in the project related to developing and implementing strategies for joint management of the territory, which corresponds to the Seville Strategy for biosphere reserves and parks, development of environmentally sustainable businesses, as well as implementation of direct conservation measures.
The project will be implemented by the BBF in partnership with the Directorate of Strandja NP, Bulgarian National Committee for the “Man and Biosphere” Program of UNESCO and the Department of Nature Management at the Norwegian Ministry of Environment. Overall management will be carried out by BBF through the Central office in Sofia and the newly established office in Bourgas.
The Project is supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism
Duration: June 2009 - April 2012