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SaveGREEN introduces a new mobile application

Nov. 01, 2022
A new Qfield mobile application was developed under the SaveGREEN project. QField is an open source base application developed by and allows users to set up QGIS maps and forms on their workstations and use them in the field through the QField application. It is a useful tool for anyone who wants to do wildlife monitoring through their mobile phone.

The SaveGREEN project will add its own layer to this application. The development is led by the Environmental Agency - Austria. The starting point of this activity is the concept that each pilot area has its own set of parameters that most fully and accurately define its characteristics for the purposes of the project.

These parameters can be uploaded to the application, which helps in monitoring them in the field. Later, the collected data will be synchronized in the Integrated Biodiversity Information System of the Carpathian Region States, CCIBIS. The completed result maps can be used for decision-making or other scientific work, in meetings with stakeholders, and also for the assessment and planning of transboundary areas.

The mobile application is created as part of SaveGREEN project activities. The project is financed under the ‘Danube’ 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Programme and is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.

For more information, visit the official project page, BBF website or follow #SaveGREEN on social media.