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Transnational wokshop
Mar 21, 2022

On behalf of the SaveGREEN consortium, we are pleased to invite you to participate in our series of Transnational Experience Exchange Workshops, which will be held between May and September 2022.

In the upcoming Transnational Experience Exchange Workshops, our project partners and relevant stakeholders will share the experiences made in their pilot areas over the past 21 months of project implementation. Of the five meetings, four will be held in selected sites within the project’s area of activity: Austria/Czech Republic, Hungary/Slovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria, and will most notably include discussions on the Cross-Sectoral Operational Plans, created as a direct response to the threats to ecological connectivity identified in the pilot areas. Each of the workshops will also include field trips to specific sites of interest in the respective pilot area(s). 

The fifth meeting was planned to be held in Uzhgorod, Ukraine, but will not take place due to the unfolding humanitarian crisis in the country. The SaveGREEN consortium is gravely concerned about the dire situation. We stand together with our Ukrainian team members, all those affected and everyone around the world that is hoping for a peaceful resolution.


11-13 May: Workshop in Dupnitsa, South of Sofia, Bulgaria
(Pilot area: Rila-Verila-Kraishte corridor)
18-20 May: Workshop in Hungary and Slovakia
(Pilot area: Novohrad-Nógrád cross-border area)
31 May - 2 June: Workshop in Hainburg, Austria and Valašské Klobouky, Czech Republic
(Pilot areas: Pöttsching/Alpine Carpathian Corridor (AT), Beskydy-Kysuce (CZ))
23 September: Workshop in Cluj Napaca, Romania as part of the IENE 2022 Conference
(Pilot area: Arad-Deva in the Mures valley)
Let us know whether you are interested and we will send you the detailed agendas in the upcoming weeks. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your interest using this notification of interest form by the end of March. 

Participation in the in-door activities will also be possible in a virtual fashion. If you have to travel long distances to attend, it is recommended to arrive a day in advance.
If you have any questions regarding the workshops or the project itself, please do not hesitate to contact Hildegard Meyer ( or Christophe Janz (

We look forward to a continued, fruitful cooperation.
Kind regards,
the SaveGREEN Team

The events are part of the activities of SaveGREEN project. The project is financed under the ‘Danube’ 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Programme and is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.

For more information, visit the official project page, BBF website or follow #SaveGREEN on social media.